1 contract = 300 multiplier of the reference price
Contract Months
6 nearest consecutive months
Price Quotation
JPY per kilogram
Minimum Price Fluctuations
JPY 0.10 per contract unit
Price Limit
Initial price limit is +10% from the latest settlement price. Should traded price reach the limit, trading will be halted for a certain period announced by TFEX. After trading resumes, the price limit will be expanded to +20% of the latest settlement price.
Trading Hours
Trading Hours
09:15 - 09:45 hrs.
09:45 - 16:55 hrs.
Position Limit
Exchange may announce the position limit as it deems appropriate.
Last Trading Day
The fourth (4) business day preceding the last business day of the contract month. Time at which trading ceases on Last Trading Day is 13:15 p.m.. In case the last trading day falls on a OSE's holiday, TFEX will annouce the new last trading day accordingly
Settlement Type
Cash Settlement in THB
Final Settlement Price
Settlement Price of RSS3 Rubber Futures as announced by Osaka Exchange on the last trading day. There will be no foreign exchange rate adjustment.
Exchange Fee
Maximum of THB 4 per contract per side
Data Licensing Fees
Exchange may announce the Data Licensing Fee as it deems appropriate (Waived)
Brokerage Fees
Freely negotiable
Remark : The above is a summary of the contract specification. Please refer to the Regulations and Procedures Chapter 600: Listing of Derivatives Contracts for the official contract specifications.
The Final Settlement Price of Japanese Rubber Futures calculated by TFEX is based on Osaka Exchange’s settlement price of RSS3 Rubber Futures shall not be used for the purpose other than the settlement or informative purpose.